

Loughborough University’s business incubator


Helping ambitious entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to start businesses

LUinc. is Loughborough University’s business incubator. Our mission is to nurture ambitious and innovative businesses - from both on and off campus.

We bring together academic and graduate entrepreneurs with emerging business founders from across Leicestershire and beyond.

Ours is a rich, inclusive and supportive start-up community.


How we help good ideas grow

LUinc. provides the training, resources and connections you need to establish, grow and succeed - with a number of free benefits on offer.

Our unique community offers everything from investor and collaborator connections to cutting-edge research and facilities.

There’s also the opportunity of a seamless transition to dedicated grow-on space in our neighbouring Advanced Technology Innovation Centre (ATIC), SportPark and wider Science and Enterprise Park.


Our fully serviced, flexible town and woodland campus facilities include vibrant coworking spaces, meeting rooms, break out areas and communal spaces, a content creation studio and fabrication lab.

Who is LUinc. for?

Founding a business is hard work.
Being around other people on the same journey can help.

Our dynamic start-up environment is made up of a community of graduate start-ups, spinouts led by researchers, and business founders who join us from outside the University campus.

LUinc. members work on a wide range of business solutions covering many products and services, but they tend to have certain things in common:

Which sectors use LUinc.?

Our expert support works across most sectors. However, we also offer specialised help to start-ups developing businesses in areas which match the University's strengths in:

Who can join us fully-funded?

Loughborough graduates

Our graduate accelerator programme helps establish and grow start-ups run by University students, post-grads and PhDs.

Local businesses

Our start-up accelerator programme can help start-up and scale-up businesses from across Leicestershire.

Founders in sport

Our sport-specific support matches global pre-launch and emerging start-ups with Loughborough’s world-leading sports ecosystem and facilities.

The low-risk way to test a business idea

Don’t fall into any of the categories above? LUinc. offers three levels of paid membership for entrepreneurs who aim to limit costs as they test ideas and launch businesses. You can become a member for as little as £50 for a month.

Our flexible memberships, affordable prices and access to world-class facilities make us a great way of seeing if you can scale your side project or new business.

  • Full membership
    Full-time access to a fixed workstation
  • Associate membership
    Part-time access to a flexible workstation
  • Virtual membership
    Access to training, events, coaching

Membership benefits

Everything you need to launch a thriving business

At LUinc. we look after all your physical workspace needs and tailor a support package to help you build a thriving new business. But we don’t stop there. LUinc. offers you so much more than a place to work.

LUinc. testimonials


Graduate consumer electronics start-up

“Tzuka is a true Loughborough collaboration with input from the University's enterprise, engineering and sport communities. The invaluable connections made through LUinc. have supported us to successfully complete three investment rounds and prepare us for launch.

“Not only does LUinc provide business support to start-up founders, but the work space, community and culture within, is the perfect environment to begin your entrepreneurial journey.”

Tom Jelliffe, Founder

Exphand Prosthetics

Graduate manufacturing start-up

"LUinc. has given me a dedicated place to work from and I'm surrounded by other people in a similar situation to myself who are launching their own businesses. It's also provided a separate place in which to keep my 3D printers and this is key to being able to prototype and continue product development."

Kate Allen, Founder


Academic Insurtech spinout

"Peer advice and business support gave us invaluable short cuts to the practicalities of business start-up, so we could focus on getting investment ready. The availability of extra space for short periods meant we could hire in extra staff to reach critical milestones. We simply wouldn’t have made so much progress without this supportive and flexible environment."

Dr Avi Baruch, COO


Graduate tech start-up

“The graduate startup accelerator has played a massive role in the growth of my company. Alongside the grant they provided, the accelerator played a critical role in bridging connections with investors, helping us achieve our raise targets. The staff and other LUinc. members are supportive, and being part of this community is a deeply enriching experience.”

Jacob Stauss, Founder


Impact of LUinc. members

LUinc. businesses secure patents, get funded, create jobs and win awards. Put simply, LUinc. supports businesses to succeed.